Chapter 2: [Best-Practices] Feeling Like C# Codes won't Stay in my Head [& the Fix]
So here I was learning C# as a total novice, that video although did make it easypeasy but there was this problem like I would learn everything and the next day I would barely remember sh*t as if I never learned anything at all! It all just goes out of my head like they hate being in there....😔 So I was like... what should I do to fix it and this is where I remembered an old trick from my college days. C# Best Practices For Dummies! I used to listen to a subject recorded in my own voice over and over and it will just stuck in there just like tv advertisements, most of us don't even bother to memorize it or anything but still it happens, we remember each and every word of it. Why..., simply because of repetition, we hear, watch it over and over again and that's how these big companies get mind share in our heads and then when the need arises its their product/service that comes on our tongues before anything else. So I decided to carefully practice and watch one h...